English GCE-O level
This must be filled in according to your 1119 certificate. You can obtain this 1119 certificate from your school.
Tarikh Ambil MUETPut the date according to what it is in your result slip. Do not put the date when you are sitting for your exam. If you take you MUET more than once, you can choose any one you like (the one with higher band)
Sukan/PermainanPlease put TIDAK TERLIBAT if you are not involved in state level or national level sports competition. I made a mistake too when I fill this, mistaken by the fact that we can choose peringkat sekolah at the bottom.
Sistem Pesanan Ringkas (SMS)
Put yes, if you are having difficulties in accessing the internet and email.
Wang Pinjaman Pendahuluan (WPP) PTPTN
Just put yes if you want to get PTPTN loan.