The JPA interview is conducted in both BM and English. It starts with self-introduction and then a general knowledge question to be answered. Some of the introduction is done in English and some is done in Bahasa Malaysia, depends on the interviewers. There will usually be 3 interviewers to 5 candidates.The introduction consists of:1) Name2) School3) Parents' occupationYou may be asked whether your parents are working with the government or private. If your parents' jobs are related to your chosen course, the interviewers will ask whether you have visited their working place, ask you about their duty and others.4) Chosen course, specialise in what & where you want to studyFrom here, they will definitely ask you :WHY you choose the course, who is your role model, why you want to go oversea or local.What local universities you want to go to?If the allowances given by the JPA scholarship is not enough for you to survive oversea, what will you do? (this depends on your family's salary too)5) You are the number what child from how many siblingsYou may need to tell what is your siblings currently doing too.All right, then the second part will be a discussion or just answer a question yourself without discussion. But you will be given time to think of the answers. They have a list of questions on a paper. They will choose 1 and ask you. This is sort of past years questions compiled from other students and forums for your revision:)You will have to give opinions and elaborate on the topic given.2006:- Pelajar-pelajar kini semakin dimanjakan. Setuju?- Penagihan dadah di Malaysia semakin meningkat. Bincangkan cara-cara untuk mengurangkan penagihan dadah atau menghapuskannya- Hukuman rotan- Malaysian 9th plan- First class infrastructure, third class mentality (popular question)- Girls make better students- Reality TV- Reading habits in malaysia- How to promote malaysia internationally- Unemployment among graduates- National service (popular question)- Patriotism among youths (popular question)- The Advantages of Reading- Math and Science in English2007:1. Increasing crime rate among students2. Patriotism among teenagers (popular question)3. Parents are spending less time with their children (Ibu bapa pentingkan kerjaya daripada pendidikan anak-anak)4. Perempuan masa kini terutamanya lepasan graduan luar negara menjadi ketua bagi kegiatan jenayah di Malaysia5. Reality tv program give negative impact on students or not6. Presents students are more pampered7. 1st class infrustructure, 3rd class mentality (popular question)8. Schools emphasize on academics excellence (popular question)9. Junk food10. Teenagers nowadays do not socialize11. ICT: Advantages and disadvantages12. Tahun ini ialah Tahun Melancong Malaysia. Apakah usaha yang boleh anda buat untuk melaksanakan program ini?13. Mat dan Minah Rempit is a gang of young people who do not have direction in life, do you agree?14. Heavy fines should be issued to litter bugs15. Human resource16. Drugs17. Students who are choosy in picking their courses (Graduate unemployment is due to graduates being choosy about their job?)18. Global warming19. RMK 920. Things to prepare before going abroad21. Children nowadays prefer to play computer games, etc22. Violence23. Female vs Male in Academic Achievements24. Reading Habit Among Youth is Declining25. Dasar pandang ke timur26. Corruption27. Do you agree that bloggers should be registered?28. Education system29. The philosophy of a coin30. Do you think it's the right choice to categorize students into art stream and science stream31. Should school uniform be abolish or not32. Tell us 1 strength and weakness of yours.33. Pick a cartoon character that would best explain you and why34. Picture yourself in 10 years time, and what would you want to be35. Isu-isu semasa di Malaysia pada masa kini?36. Kemajuan sains dan teknologi membawa lebih banyak keburukan atau kebaikan37. Your favourite tv programs and why38. Nelayan laut dalam lebih menguntung daripada peladang39. National Service for females should be established or not?40. Malaysia harus membina sebuah pusat penyelidikan di kutub selatan2008:- Bagaimanakan kursus yang anda pilih akan menyumbang kepada Visi 2020?- Apakan ciri yang perlu ada untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang?- kadar pengangguran- Sukan- Amalan membaca- Barisan kabinet menteri baru- Pelancongan- Malaysia in the next 10 years- Penggunaan BI- Kadar jenayah- Penculikan kanak-kanak- Is money or true love more important?- Which movie do you like the most and why?- Malaysia wants to be a centre of intelligence,but JPA is still sending students oversea.Explain why?2009:-Siapa Perdana Menteri Malaysia/ Datuk Seri Rais Yatim etc. (please read about the Malaysia cabinet too)- Graduan kini sangat memilih pekerjaan.- Is it necessary to continue National Service/PLKN?- Education system in Malaysia is too exam-oriented. (popular question)-Electricity is a necessity. What measures government should take to improve power supply to rural areas?- Malaysia aims to be centre of excellence in order to support government effort for 1st degree study to be done locally. Students should only be sent overseas for postgraduate study. State your views.- If you are a patient, between government and private hospital, which one you choose? (money is not a factor)- What is your opinion on the PILN application, from online process till interview?- Why JPA scholars who finished their course don't want to come back to Malaysia but stay at other country?- What is wrong with our education system?- Is it a must to have Facebook, Friendster, and Myspace?2010:- Cara-cara mengatasi cetak rompak- What do you think about 1Malaysia concept? (popular question for the year)- Vision 2020- H1N1- Health insurance- 1 Malaysia clinic- Social problems-Do Malaysia lack of doctors?- The consequences of bringing foreign doctors to Malaysia- Lung cancer- Tuition is more to understanding or spotting & memorising questions?- Rural area- How to improve hospital system?- Medicine in Malaysia- Why government doctors move to private hospitals?- How to be a good malaysian abroad? (popular question)- What is the current issue that affects you and why?- Bully cases in schools
- Smoking habit among Malaysians
- Steps to reduce the number of smokers
- Should we allocate a huge budget for the public health system to give equal treatment to the smokers?
- View about smokers who are still smoking even though the government has done a lot of anti-smoking campaigns?
1Malaysia (popular question) -opinions, 1Malaysia programmes, achievements,etc.
- Why scholars don't want to return to Malaysia and how to ensure they serve the nation after graduating
- Environmental issues
- H1N1
- Anti drug campaign effectiveness
- Privatisation of public healthcare in Malaysia
- Should we increase the number of medical graduates?
- Langkah mengatasi pencemaran bahasa (Bahasa rojak)
- Obesiti
- Media massa (Internet)
- Education system (is it holistic enough?)
- Green technologies/cara-cara menjaga alam sekitar
Just some advice for you all out there :)
- Please analyse a bit the past years' questions. They might come out again.
- Just prepare yourself with the general issues (make sure you have something to talk need to memorise all the statistics of death toll of smokers every year or whatever unless you want to get mad...rough figure is good enough;)
- Read newspaper/magazines on current news/ MUET essays/ Esei Pengajian Am (Laras Sastera)
- Do you know what is the motto for 1Malaysia? Please don't tell me you never heard of... 'Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan".
Just check out my blog, I might spot some questions for next year ;)